Air8 Cushion Exercises
Choose FITNESS EXERCISES to train your core and deep musculature on the mat or choose OFFICE EXERCISES for posture training at your office desk. Below you can find our quality exercise videos including detailed descriptions.
Core Swing on Air8
Sit in the cushion hollow with straight spine.
Bend your legs. Knees point up. Feet are in contact with the ground. Cross arms. Shoulder is low. Lean back a little. Swing slightly back and forth with active core musculature. Then lean back even further and continue swinging. Keep long-stretched spine. Lean back even further and swing. Swing back and forth eight times with every lean back. Back to the starting position. Finish exercise. Relax.
Air8 Swing Kneeling
Place the heavily inflated Air8 cushion rounded side down at the end of the mat.
Kneeling. Hands on the cushion. Stretch your torso back until your arms are stretched out. Spine is long. Pull your shoulders back towards your pelvis. Neck is long. Rock the cushion back and forth. Evenly. Controlled. The neck must not be short. The movement happens from the back muscles. The back needs to feel longer and longer with every movement. Continue for one minute. Finish exercise. Relax.
Back Diagonals on Air8
On all fours, kneel with your left lower leg on the Air8 cushion. Elongate the spine. Hands below shoulders. Fingers point slightly towards each other. Establish stability in the upper body. Then gently stretch your right leg backwards. Extend your left arm in the opposite direction. With small movements, pull the hand and foot diagonally apart. The arm and leg are automatically lifted slightly. 30 to 40 repetitions. The air cushion supports and protects the knee and provides a deliberate instability. Finish exercise. Change side. Kneel on the Air8 with your right lower leg. Support yourself on your hands. Align your fingers slightly towards each other. Neck is long. Create stability in torso. Extend left leg backwards. Extend your right arm forward. Stretch apart with small lifting movements. 30 to 40 times. Look at the floor. Back remains long and stable. Breathe calmly and evenly. Finish exercise. Relax.
Flank Stretching on Air8 in Side Straddle Position
Sit in the cushion recess. Stretch your legs out to the side. Elongate your spine vertically. Stretch your right arm up. Put your left arm on the cushion pad. Turn upper body to the right. Then, bend over the left leg. Head turns to right arm. Hold the stretch for 3 to 4 breaths. Bend a little closer to the leg with each exhale. Direct perception to your chest and consciously stretch the ribs apart from each other in imagination. Slowly back to center. Vertically stretch the spine. Raise your left arm. Rotate upper body to the left. Then bend over your right leg. Head also turns to the left. Hold the stretch for 3 to 4 breaths. Stretch further towards the leg with each breath. With your right hand, pull the cushion pad towards the pelvis. This will help intensify the stretch. Return to center and do one more repetition for each side. Right arm stretch. Twist upper body and bend. Hold for 3 to 4 breaths. Back to center. Change side. Left arm up. Torso to the left. Bend over the right leg. Stretch. Breathe calmly and evenly. Finish exercise. Relax.
Leg Raises Sitting on Air8
Sit in the cushion recess. Legs bent. Spine long stretched. Cross your arms in front of your body. Lean backwards with a straight torso.
Alternately, lift and lower your feet, one at a time. right foot. Left foot. 30 to 40 repetitions. Look straight ahead. Lean back a little more and keep raising and lowering your feet. Keep waist long. Lean back even more further and continue the movement. Breathe calmly and evenly. For advanced users with a good sense of balance: simultaneously turn the torso to the lifted leg. Finish exercise. Relax.
Air8 Leg and Balance Training
Sit in the cushion recess. Legs bent. Lean backwards with a straight torso and support yourself on your hands. Raise legs in the air one at a time. Then raise your arms and bend them in front of your body. Balance on the air cushion. Keep the back and abdominal muscles long and straight. Extend your arms to the sides. Bend one arm at a time and stretch it out again. Alternately. Left arm. Right arm. Left arm. Right arm. Move and balance for a minute or two. Finish exercise. Relax.
Bent Leg Crunches on Air8
Lie on your back on the Air8 cushion. Both cushion pads are positioned at the transition between the lumbar and thoracic spine and support the chest. The spine has space in the cushion recess and can expand optimally without being squeezed. Place hands behind head. Elbows point to the sides. Raise your legs one at a time. Lower your head and arms towards the floor and lift them up again.
To repeat. Lower. Lift. Lower. Lift again. 20 to 30 repetitions.
The movement is slow and controlled. The neck stays long. Breathe calmly and evenly. Finish exercise. Relax.
Swinging on Air8 in Side Straddle
Sit in the cushion recess. Stretch your legs out to the side. Stretch your spine vertically. Put your hands on the Air8 cushion. Tilt your straight upper body forward as far as possible, then swing back and forth slightly. Pull the pillow towards you with your hands. This makes it easier to keep the back straight. Lean forward a little more and keep swinging. Stretch and swing forward for two to three minutes. The back must be continuously stretched. Breathe calmly and evenly. Finish exercise. Relax.
Frog in Hip Position on Air8
Lie with your groin on the Air8 cushion. Support your head on the back of your hands. Bend your legs and then lift them up. The heels touch. Spread your knees wide to the sides. Using the deep muscles of the hips and buttocks, lift your legs up towards the ceiling. And lower again. To repeat. Raise and lower. With every movement, gently press your heels together. Raise and lower 20 to 30 times. The air cushion supports the hips and provides even more challenge due to the wobbly structure. Finish exercise. Relax.
Inner Thigh Pulses on Air8 in Prone Position
While lying on your stomach, bend your left thigh and place it in the hollow of the Air8 cushion. Extend your right leg. Support your head on your forearms. Keep your neck stretched. Rotate the muscles of the left thigh outwards until the left foot lifts slightly. However, the ankle should not be higher than the knee joint. Repeatedly press your thighs against the hollow of the pillow with small, gentle movements. And release again. Push in. And let go. It is a pulsating movement that is controlled from the deep muscles of the hips and thighs. Pulse into the pillow for two to three minutes. Rotate your thighs simultaneously with each pulse. Feel free to use your hands to see how the muscles in the hip, butt and thigh area are working. The hip joint is mobilised. Finish exercise. Change side. Place your right thigh in the hollow of the air cushion. Lie on the mat with your upper body stretched out. The left leg stretches in the opposite direction. Support your head on your forearms. Neck is long. Twist the muscles of the right thigh until the foot lifts. The knee joint is higher than the ankle joint. Press against the hollow of the air cushion with small, pulsating movements. For two to three minutes. Alternative - and even more delicate - is the instruction to gently suck in the pillow with the inner surface of the thigh. Pulsating. suck in. Let go. Suck in. Let go. The aim of both instructions is to open the hip joint and to stretch and strengthen all surrounding structures. Breathe calmly and evenly. Finish exercise. Relax.
Long Leg Lift on Air8 in Hip Position
Lie with your groin on the Air8 cushion. Support yourself on your forearms. elongate the spine. Lift your legs in the air. Raise the stretched legs one after the other from the deep muscles of the hips and buttocks and then lower them again. Left. Right. Raise and lower. 30 to 40 times. The air cushion supports the hips and provides even more challenge due to the wobbly structure. Finish exercise. Relax.
Leg Long-Lifts in Side Position on Air8
Lie on your side with your hip in the hollow of the Air8 cushion. Support yourself on your right forearm. Elongate the spine. Bend your legs. Extend your left leg, so your foot is in the air. Pull the stretched leg out of the hip with a small movement. away from the body. As if you want to push the air away with the sole of your foot. And slightly loosen again. Elongate and loosen. At your own pace. With this pulling movement, the thigh automatically rises slightly. Pull-lift and loosen for a minute or two. The head pulls in the opposite direction. Look ahead, or alternatively look down, to relax your neck. Change side. Lie on your left side with your hip on the air cushion. Support your upper body. Bend your legs. Extend and raise your right leg. Then pull-lift from the hips. At your own pace. Continue for a minute or two. The air cushion supports the hips and makes it easier to straighten the torso. Look forward or down. Spine remains elongated. Breathing is calm and even. Back to the starting position. Finish exercise. Relax.
Chest Rotation in Hip Position on Air8
Lay on your stomach with your groin on the Air8 cushion. Elongate the spine. Support yourself on your hands. Wrists are below the shoulder joints. Fingers point to each other. Align elbows to sides. Bend and lift your legs one at a time so they are floating in the air. The pelvis balances on the air cushion. Gently rotate the chest to the right and left. Neck stays long. The head doesn't move. Look at the floor. Only the chest rotates evenly to the sides. Continue for two to three minutes. At your own pace. Breathe calmly and evenly. Back to the starting position. Relax.
Diagonal Arm-Leg Raise on Air8
Lay on your stomach with your groin on the Air8 cushion. Support yourself on your forearms. Keep your shoulders down. Elongate the spine. Stretch your legs in the opposite direction, away from your pelvis. Activate the deep muscles of the torso. Raise your arm and leg alternately diagonally and stretch them away from your body. Look at the floor. Evenly. Controlled. The movement is small and comes from the back muscles. Keep shoulders low and relaxed. Raise and lower for a minute. Or - alternatively - perform twenty repetitions in three series. Back to the starting position. Relax.
Back Crunches on Air8
Lie on your stomach with your lower chest on the Air8 cushion. Support yourself on your forearms. Stretch legs. Stretch your spine in the opposite direction. Activate the core muscles of the torso so that the back can hold the position without the help of the arms. Place hands behind skull. Neck is long. Look at the floor. From this basic position, raise your upper body a little further and lower it back down. Raise and lower. Evenly. Controlled. The movement is small and comes from the back muscles. Relax your but musculature as much as possible. Keep shoulders low and relaxed. Elbows pull to the side. Raise and lower for a minute. Back to the starting position. Relax.
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Elbow Pulses in Air8
Sit in the front of the chair. Place the heavily inflated Air8 on the edge of the table. Adjust the chair height so that the edge of the table is level with your chest. Bent your right arm and place it in the hollow of the cushion, so that your elbow and shoulder joint are in one line. Fingers point up. Relax shoulders. Elongate the spine. Now press your elbow vertically into the hollow of the cushion with gentle, pulsating movements. And release the pressure. Push in. And reduce pressure. Continue pulsating into the air cushion for one to two minutes. With each pulse, stretch your fingers up, away from your palm. Shoulder remains deep and wide. Consciously perceive, how the pulses network and train the muscles in the arm, shoulder and chest. The air echo of the cushion increases perception. Finish exercise. Change side. Repeat with left arm.
Air8 Swing on Table
Place the heavily inflated Air8 on the table with the rounded pads facing down. Sit on the chair. Open legs sideways. Knees are over heels. Push the chair back far enough, to place your outstretched arms on the flat cushion surface. Lean forward with a straight back. Now, roll the air cushion back and forth with both hands. Keep your spine straight, and stretch it long. The rolling movement must be felt in the whole back, and flanks. Roll for a minute or two. Keep your shoulders low. Keep neck long. Breath calmly and evenly. Finish exercise. Back to the starting position. Relax.
Arm and Shoulder Girdle Intense Stretch with Air8
Place the Air8 on the edge of the table. Sitting sideways on the chair, place your right wrist in the hollow of the cushion. Arm is stretched. Stretch your spine toward the ceiling. Relax your shoulders down. Now, with the chair, or on the chair, twist your torso away from the cushion, until you feel a clear stretch in your right arm and shoulder girdle. Then turn your head even further, to the left shoulder. This intensifies the stretch. The wrist rests in the cushion recess. Stretch your fingers out. Now, play with that finger stretch. This means alternately stretching one or the other finger in the extension, away from the palm. Continue for a minute or two. The air cushion increases the perception of micro-movements. Finish exercise. Back to the starting position. Change side. Repeat with left hand.
Knee Stretch Pulses with Air8
Sit at the front of the chair. Place the Air8 behind the back of your right knee. Stretch your leg with the heel on the floor and toes pointing up. Keep your leg straight, simultaneously pulling the cushion towards your chest with your hands. The counter-pressure of the air cushion creates a pleasant stretching sensation in the hollow of the knee and the back of the leg. Now, play with this pressure and counter-pressure in a pulsing manner. Press the back of your knee a bit more into the cushion and then reduce the pressure. Repeat the process: push in and reduce again, at your own pace. Continue for one to two minutes, with your hands consistently pulling the Air8 towards your body. Notice how each pulse stimulates the lymph and blood vessels. Stretch your spine occasionally, keeping your shoulders relaxed. Finish the exercise, return to the starting position, and switch sides. Repeat with the left leg.
Chest Rotation Leaned on Table
Sit on the Air8, like on a saddle. Thighs float freely in the air. Knees are over heels. Erect the spine vertically. Lean forward with a straight upper body and place your hands on the edge of the table. Fingers point to each other. Stretch elbows apart. Neck is long. Now, twist your chest out to the sides. To the right. Return. To the left. And back. Right. Left. Head remains stable, and does not rotate. Rotate your chest for one to two minutes, at your own pace. Make your spine longer and longer with each rotation. Keep rotating, while letting your arms get lighter and lighter so your hands can be lifted with each side twist. The power comes from the deep muscles of the back. Breath calmly and evenly. Finish exercise. Back to the starting position. Relax.
Big Stretch with Air8
Sit at the edge of the chair. Place the Air8 behind the ankles. Lean upper body forward. Stand up carefully, stretch the backs of your legs, and stretch your bottom up towards the ceiling. Relax your spine towards the floor. Using your hands, pull the Air8 toward your chest, until you feel an intense stretch in your hamstrings and lower back. Play actively with this stretch. That means, pulling the Air8 a little closer to your body and then loosening it again. And pull. And release a bit. Actively stretch for one to two minutes. Relax your head and spine more and more toward the floor with each stretch. Finish exercise. Back to the starting position. Relax.
Core Pulses with Air8 Seated
Sit close to the table. Place the heavily inflated Air8 with the recess on the edge of the table. Lean your torso against the flat side of the cushion. Put your hands on the table. Align elbows down. Widen shoulders. Stretch the spine. Now, gently push your straight upper body forward from the hip joints, against the cushion, until you can feel straightening muscle activity in your torso. From this starting position, press your upper body even more against the cushion in a gently swinging respectively pulsating motion and keep swinging back and forth. Slowly swing-pulsate your torso into the air cushion for one to two minutes. Stretch your spine more and more with every pulse. Finish exercise. Relax.
Chest Rotation Seated on Air8
Sit in the hollow of the Air8, as if on a saddle, allowing your thighs to float freely in the air. Ensure your knees are over your heels. Stretch your spine vertically. Relax your shoulders down and to the sides. Place your fingers on your breastbone and pull your elbows to the sides. Lean backward with a straight torso. Alternately turn out your chest to the right and then to the left. Rotate your chest to your sides at your own pace for 1 to 2 minutes. Keep your head from turning and aim your gaze straight ahead. Lean back a little more and continue rotating your chest. Maintain a long and straight back and belly throughout. Breathe calmly and evenly. Finish the exercise. Relax.
Arm and Shoulder Swing on Air8 Seated
Sit in the front of the chair. Place the Air8 with the rounded pads behind your back horizontally, creating space for your spine in the cushion recess. Lean back and straighten your upper body. Raise your arms, stretching your wrists towards the ceiling. Relax your shoulders down. Move your stretched arms back and forth from the shoulder joints with a sweeping movement. Swing at your own pace for one to two minutes. Keep your neck long and shoulders low. Pull your wrists up towards the ceiling. The air cushion gives an echo-like feedback on the work of the back muscles. The gentle movements help relieve tension. Vary the arm swings, making the amplitudes larger and smaller again. Finish the exercise. Relax.
Leg and Hip Joint Rotation on Air8
Sit in the hollow of the Air8, like on a saddle. Hold the front cushion pad and pull towards your body. Straighten your upper body and lean backwards a little. Extend left leg and raise it. Toes point up. Twist the stretched leg outwards from the hip joint. And turn back, until toes point up again. To repeat. Rotate leg outward. And back again. Rotate the leg for one to two minutes. Keep your spine straight. Put leg down. Back to the starting position. Change side. Repeat with the right leg.
Spinal Twist Seated on Air8
Sit in the hollow of the Air8, like on a saddle. Thighs float freely in the air. Knees over heels. Straighten upper body. Keep shoulders low and relaxed. Head pulls up towards the ceiling. Place right hand on front cushion pad, Left hand on rear cushion pad. Hold the pad, and gently rotate the chest to the left. Keep your spine long. Stop at the maximum point of the rotation, and additionally rotate the head only, to the left shoulder. Neck stays long. Enjoy the stretch for a moment. Slowly turn back to center. Repeat on the other side. Hands on the cushion pads. Left hand in front. Right hand on the back. Twist upper body to the right. Spine remains elongated. Stop at the maximum point. Then turn your head further, to your right shoulder. neck stays long. Stretch briefly, and return to center. Repeat the entire exercise two to three times. Back to the starting position. Relax.
Core Swing with Stretched Arms on Air8 Sitting
Sit in the hollow of the Air8, like on a saddle, with thighs floating freely in the air, knees over heels. Straighten the upper body, keeping shoulders low and relaxed. Interlock fingers, turn out palms, and slowly raise your arms up and stretch them over your head, with wrists pulling toward the ceiling. Pull your shoulders down towards the cushion. Lean the straight upper body back slightly from the hip joints until the deep muscles of the trunk become noticeably active. From this position, swing back and forth slightly. Continue swinging for a minute or two with arms remaining stretched out and shoulders deep. Consciously perceive how the muscles in the pelvic floor work with each swing, contracting the seat bones. The air cushion enhances self-awareness. Keep the spine elongated throughout the exercise. Breathe calmly and evenly. Return to the starting position. Relax.
Pelvic Floor Activation
Sit in the trough of the Air8 as if on a saddle. Let your thighs float freely in the air, with your knees over heels. Straighten your upper body. Focus your awareness on the lower end of the pelvis, on the seat bones, and gently pull them towards each other, towards the perineum. Then, let go. Repeat this pulling together and subsiding motion 10 times. The air cushion amplifies this barely visible micro-movement, making it easier to feel. Activate and train the entire pelvic floor. Maintain a long spine throughout the exercise. Breathe calmly and evenly. Gently contract and release the seat bones for one to two minutes. Finish the exercise. Relax.
Place the Air8 with the flat side behind your back. The lower end of the cushion supports the sacrum. Lean back and stretch your spine. Breathe into the back side of your ribcage and consciously widen your diaphragm to the sides. Breathe out and lengthen your spine vertically even more with your exhale. Continue this breathing: widen your diaphragm with every inhale and lengthen your spine vertically with every exhale. Consciously perceive how the Air8 enhances your sensation of the entire back with its air echo, and notice how the feedback is amplified with the smallest movements of your upper body. Repeat this breathing meditation 10-15 times. Finish the exercise. Relax.
Springy Back Stretch
Sit in the front of the chair. Place the Air8 with the rounded pads behind your back. The lower pad is behind the sacrum. The upper pad supports the thoracic spine. Lean against the Air8 and stretch your spine. Gently and slowly lean your back against the upper cushion pad and straighten up again. Consciously perceive the uplifting and springy feedback of the air cushion. Repeat 20-30 times. Finish exercise. Relax.
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